Hollywierd Halloween 2001 | At work with Lt. Ohura and Partying with Christel the Dominatrix

Click on the LINKS at the TOP of this page for the other pages of Fall Photos- including Hollywierd Halloween and Dominatrix Christel's bash!

Welcome to my latest pix- from this past Fall


This was Dawnie and Tim's Labor Day Eve party - we played "The Simpson's" Trivia Game and my date Valerie and I somehow managed to actually answer a question or two....


Retired KROQ DJ Richard Blade returned to L.A. to host the annual Depeche Mode Convention and I took long-time DM fan Nannette


Fresh from his band The Sweet and Tender Hooligans mini-tour of Europe and back in L.A. for Depeche Mode Con 2001


I miraculously was able to win at a "charades"- type question for a "Simpson's" character I didn't even know: "Bleeding Gums [Something]" and when someone correctly guessed it I felt like I had won the Super Bowl, World Series, a starring role in a porn with Pamela Anderson, and the NBA Championship combined ...


That Hooligan Jose was there- as well as Jen and Dawnie


Here's a miniature house displayed at an Art Exhibit my friend Natasa Prosenc was presenting her video art at... unfortunately her demonstration didn't photograph so you're stuck with this...